| 1. | His visit and mine overlapped . 他的访问期与我的访问期有几天重叠。 |
| 2. | Your idea and mine do not square . 你跟我的意见不一致。 |
| 3. | Your people and mine could hardly communicate . 你们的人和我们的人是没法打交道的。 |
| 4. | He was kind to me and mine . 他对我和我的家属都好。 |
| 5. | The permanent bridges were heavily guarded and mined . 永久的桥梁都有重兵驻守,而且都埋有地雷。 |
| 6. | His roots and mine had become too firmly embedded in the new land . 我和他已经在新的土地上牢牢地扎了根。 |
| 7. | I'm comparing only your ignorance and mine about penal institutions . 我只是拿你我两人对刑法机构的无知作个比较罢了。 |
| 8. | His life is a logical result of his opinions, and mine is a contemptible non sequitur . 他的一生是他的观点的合理的结果,而我的一生却自相矛盾,令人鄙视。 |
| 9. | I beg your pardon, old fellow, i congratulate you; it was a lovely shot, and mine were vile . 对不起,老朋友,祝贺您!您这一枪打得真漂亮,我的枪法太蹩脚了。 |
| 10. | His heart was exactly where yours and mine could be brought, with proper effort and cultivation . 你我的心肠,如果肯下功夫陶冶,也完全可以达到他那种程度的。 |